The Green Hornet Hive
Music • Politics • Business
Free style conservative.
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The depopulation agenda is in full swing. The modern day Nazi final solution.
"The shock flowing through the alternative media channels regarding the recent approval of “vaccines” to kill infants and toddlers is understandable, but is it really so shocking? They have been killing adults with these same injections for 18 months and refused to stop or even review data and investigate sensational numbers of deleterious side effects and sudden deaths."

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Welcome to The Green Hornet Hive

The Green Hornet was my favorite as a kid, despite my peer group being into Batman or Superman. I dug a guy who appeared to operate outside the law and with the incomparable Brice Lee as Kato, was totally bad ass. I will make this community as conservatively eclectic as possible with a range of topics. Pull up a chair, a beer, what have you and enjoy.

Dr. Peter McCullough on jabbing children
Who really owns Neil Young's music? You can't make this shite up.
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