The Green Hornet Hive
Music • Politics • Business
Free style conservative.
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Pedo Peter's buddies using elders as human shields? It'll be fine, just send the cokehead comedian more money. 🙄
"The issue of the Ukraine military, intentionally and with purposeful forethought, using civilian locations to embed their military units, highlights the inherent dangers associated with western propaganda during the conflict.  In fact, the effort to create civilian casualties seems more purposeful as a strategy to gain western media support and create stories that can be used to advance sympathy toward Ukraine, even if it means putting their own civilians in harm’s way."

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Welcome to The Green Hornet Hive

The Green Hornet was my favorite as a kid, despite my peer group being into Batman or Superman. I dug a guy who appeared to operate outside the law and with the incomparable Brice Lee as Kato, was totally bad ass. I will make this community as conservatively eclectic as possible with a range of topics. Pull up a chair, a beer, what have you and enjoy.

Dr. Peter McCullough on jabbing children
Who really owns Neil Young's music? You can't make this shite up.

#LabMeat #FakeMeat
Now let’s ban Bill Gates.

#PopeFrancis #CatholicChurch #Corruption #CovidFraud #VaccineGenocide
Viganò also refers to the role of Pope Francis (aka Jorge Bergoglio) "in the crime perpetrated against humanity with the 'COVID pandemic' and the imposition of vaccines" and to the suppression of Bergolio's sexual abuse scandals, starting decades ago in his native Argentina.

This is the way.
#VaccineGenocide #mRNA #Poison #FoodSupply

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