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Welcome to The Green Hornet Hive

The Green Hornet was my favorite as a kid, despite my peer group being into Batman or Superman. I dug a guy who appeared to operate outside the law and with the incomparable Brice Lee as Kato, was totally bad ass. I will make this community as conservatively eclectic as possible with a range of topics. Pull up a chair, a beer, what have you and enjoy.

Dr. Peter McCullough on jabbing children
Who really owns Neil Young's music? You can't make this shite up.

#MedicalFraud #MedicalEstablishment #MedicalCorruption
How corrupt is the medical establishment? Well...
"Gøtzsche adds, describing his institute’s mission, that it was during the Covid pandemic that the restriction of scientific freedom and freedom of expression manifested itself on an unprecedented scale. “Freedom of research and speech have been seriously limited during the Covid pandemic. I work to make people aware that we are approaching a situation that reminds me of the Middle Ages where the King approved or rejected new books,” he comments.

#EcoHealrh #GainOfFunction #PeterDaszack #Fauci
It’s a start.
“Brad Wenstrup and his Congressional Committee have acknowledged and articulated the evidence that EcoHealth and its collaborators in the US and China are responsible for creating SARS-CoV-2.”

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