The Green Hornet Hive
Music • Politics • Business
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#AfD #Germany #PushBack
Sounds kinda familiar, don’t it? Like a #Deplorables ring? Here’s hoping Merkel soiled herself.
“The East Germans are often maligned as backward rubes whose experience with the DDR means they somehow don’t understand democracy, but in fact their voting patterns are entirely typical in the European context. It is the West Germans who are the anomaly here, and whose misplaced ancestral loyalty to the old parties makes grand triangulatory coalitions a viable strategy in the first place. This strategy has now begun to break down in the East. It will take a bit longer for it fail also in the West, but make no mistake – it is doomed.”

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Welcome to The Green Hornet Hive

The Green Hornet was my favorite as a kid, despite my peer group being into Batman or Superman. I dug a guy who appeared to operate outside the law and with the incomparable Brice Lee as Kato, was totally bad ass. I will make this community as conservatively eclectic as possible with a range of topics. Pull up a chair, a beer, what have you and enjoy.

Dr. Peter McCullough on jabbing children
Who really owns Neil Young's music? You can't make this shite up.
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